Section 8 vs Section 21: What’s The Difference
Are you worried about rent arrears or just wish to serve an eviction notice on your tenant? Here are some differences between Section 8 and Section 21 notices!
Are you worried about rent arrears or just wish to serve an eviction notice on your tenant? Here are some differences between Section 8 and Section 21 notices!
Ensure the rent is up to date, the utilities notified and the property returned to the standard it was taken once fair wear and tear is factored in; when surrendering a rented property. Here are 4 things to do when your tenancy is drawing to a close.
The possession procedure allows landlords to lawfully gain possession of their property from a tenant and removes any prospect that your tenant may claim that you unlawfully evicted them. Here’s everything you need to know about it.
Want to get rid of a problem tenant who is not respecting the tenancy relationship, the terms of the agreement, the property or the neighbors? Here’s some helpful guidance about legally evicting a tenant in the UK.
Here’s all you need to know about a landlord’s responsibilities regarding gas safety in rented property.
A landlord can evict tenants who have an assured shorthold tenancy using section 21 or section 8 notices. The below infograph briefly displays the difference between the two notices:
If you’re a landlord, here is some guidance to avoid the pitfalls when serving a section 21 notice.
Property rentalsis a big industry in the UK, but it comes with risks. Landlordseffectively assign the use of their property in return for ongoing rental payments but they also expect the property to be respected for the duration of the tenancy. Unfortunately, in some cases, tenants can sometimes find themselves unable to pay, whilst others …
The UK private rental market is complex, with many interwoven rules and regulations which have consequences if not complied with. There are many laws regarding the protection of tenant’s rights which a landlord must adhere to and follow. Laws have been specifically curated for the protection of tenant’s rights, such as theSection 21 of the …
Section 21 Changes: What Are They and What Do Landlords Need to Do? Read More »
What Were The Outcomes Of The Act? The act was fundamentally designed to redress the balance between landlord and tenant rights while providing landlords more control over the possession of their property. The government aimed to revive the waning private rental market by doing this. They made changes to three key areas of the English Property …
The Difference Between the Housing Act 1988 Terms: Section 8 vs Section 21 Read More »